Note: We roll out features sequentially, so you might not see all new features immediately.
<aside> 📋 If you have feedback or ideas for us → let us know: [email protected] 👋 or via Slack
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🎨 Color Indicators for Columns on Retro Board
Did you ever wonder in which column a feedback was created in?
Sometimes feedback inside the retro is moved across columns on the retro board. There are cases where it is important to remember in which column a feedback was created in for additional context.
Thus we added a small color indicator with a unique color to each column. Every feedback gets the same color as the column it was created in. On hover you’ll get the column name at a glance for easy access.
↕️ Expand and collapse groups on retro board
Ever got really big groups of feedback which made it hard to keep an overview on the retro board? With the new collapse feature, you can turn groups of any size into a one-element-sized group and keep the retro board nice and clean ✨
🗑️ Delete columns on the retro board
You can now delete columns on your retro board (after having moved all feedback in them to other columns.)
➕ Create new columns on the retro board at any time during the retro
Previously the retro board was locked after the voting has been started. This restriction is removed now.
🛟 Echometer survey now also saves in-edit replies to open questions
When editing survey replies, it can easily happen that you accidentally saved the survey and lost open feedback which was still the “in-edit” mode. Now we make sure that these replies are also being saved:
👟 Performance Improvement
We identified and fixed a major piece of problematic code that would repeatedly cause performance breakdowns at peak times when lots of retros are started at the same time. You should have much less trouble now starting and loading retros specifically if you typically start them on Fridays at 11am or 12am German time!
👉 Fixed Whiteboard Drawing bug in Firefox
There used to be a bug with drawings on whiteboards being cut off. This is now fixed 🎨
🔗 Improved flow to connect action items to Jira
By the way: Via the “Sharing / Export…” menu, you can also request other integrations that your team might need.
📧 Improved action item notification emails
Action item assignment emails now contain a link to the specific action item so that you can easily open or share it directly from your inbox.
🏡 Easier way to return to the teampage
Did you try to get back to the teampage from the retro without accidentally closing the retro? Well, this just got easier.
🎃 New Halloween retro themes
Have fun and enjoy 🧟
🏗️ New Retro Preparation Layout
It’s now easier to go back to the template overview from the retro preparation.
The buttons to start a survey and starting a retro moved to the top